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Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgically inserted posts which help support and protect a missing tooth, restoring the patient’s ability to eat or speak normally. Implantation allows for a precise reconstruction of the hard and soft tissues surrounding the tooth, as well as their supporting bone structure. Implants can be made from metal, titanium or ceramic materials depending on the patient’s preference. This process is often recommended for patients who have had enough root canal therapy or those experiencing continuous tooth loss in order to avoid extracting teeth indefinitely.

How do dental implants work?

They provide an alternative to dentures and other less-effective solutions because they’re made to fit within your mouth and mimic the structure of natural teeth. The entire process takes place over the course of several months, with the first step being an incision to create a space for the implant. Once that heals, a screw is placed into the jawbone and attached to the implant. This also takes time to heal and when it does, it’s time for the final visit to our practice. We’ll use an impression of your mouth to design a personalized tooth crown and will then attach it to that screw.

What are the advantages of dental implants over other options?

If you’re considering the options, here’s what you need to know about the benefits and disadvantages of dental implants. The first thing to note is that this treatment usually involves two stages: one for surgery and one for restoring your teeth. But as we’ve mentioned, it’s not invasive at all and can be accomplished in a single visit. There’s nothing like traditional dentures that require reinsertion into your mouth each time you eat or talk. And it’s also less expensive than other options, such as dental crowns or bridges that can cost thousands of dollars.

So why do people actually choose dental implants? Let’s be honest, it’s quite an amazing process and one which you would expect to be relatively expensive. And certainly, one which most people we see don’t actually think they are in a position to have.

Why would a lot of people have Dental implants?

Dental implants are the alternative to dentures. They are titanium posts which are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Great success rates over the last few years mean that roughly half to three-quarters of patients can get dental implants; this is compared with around 10% when dentures were first invented.

Dentures used to be made with the patient’s own teeth. Dentures have been around for hundreds of years and have only had a few minor changes in that time, most notably the appearance of acrylic dentures and self-ligating dentures. But they essentially look the same.


In recent years, dental implants have become one of the more popular procedures people go through to fix their teeth. In particular, it’s been done a lot more often in younger people who are just starting out with their careers. Make no mistake about it, though: dental implants are a serious procedure and not something that you should take lightly. We’ll be reviewing all the basic facts about this procedure so you can decide for yourself if it would be right for you.



Why Mouthguard Is Important

A mouth guard is a piece of protective dental equipment worn either over the teeth or inside the mouth to help prevent tooth and jaw injuries that may result from contact sports. There are two types of mouthguards that can be used when playing these sports: mouth-formed and custom-made.

Mouth-formed mouth guards are the most commonly used type of mouth guard. They are sold at a variety of retail outlets and are manufactured to be able to fit almost all adult mouths.

Custom-made (boil and bite) mouth guards are more expensive than the boil and bite versions, but some individuals feel that they provide better protection against injuries, such as concussions or broken teeth. The custom-made mouth guards are individually molded over the teeth and gums to provide a better fit than the boil and bite versions.

In order to find out which type of mouth guard is best for you, it is important to understand what happens when someone in a contact sport gets hit in the face. Contact sports can be very dangerous without the proper protection for your teeth, jaws, chin, and cheeks.

How Mouth Guards Works

Normally, if someone is hit in the face in a contact sport, their teeth may be displaced or broken. In addition to this, the jaw and cheekbones are highly susceptible to fractures. When a person’s jaw is badly injured, they may lose their ability to speak clearly, chew food normally, or even move the jaw from side to side or up and down. A mouth guard will help protect your teeth and jaw from injury by absorbing the force of an impact before it can reach the bones of your face.

Benefits of Mouth Guards

I. Protection for the cheeks

The jaws are made of a hard substance known as dentin. When someone is hit in the face, this dentin absorbs most of the force of the blow. A mouth guard is one way to prevent broken cheekbones and weakened jaw muscles from being damaged.

II. Protection for your teeth

The teeth are made of a substance called enamel. When someone is hit in the face and their teeth are hit, it is most likely the enamel that will be damaged. A mouth guard acts as a shield for your teeth, which reduces the damage done to them if you are hit in the face by a ball or another player.

Who is it For

Mouth guards are for use in contact sports that could result in serious injury to the mouth, teeth, and jaw. Such sports include football, lacrosse, rugby, hockey, and basketball.

Players who are at risk for mouth injuries should wear mouthguards to prevent major damage to the teeth and jaws. It is important that a person consults with a dentist about which type of mouth guard is right for them before they begin playing contact sports.

By wearing a mouth guard in contact sports, you are providing yourself with a physical shield against injuries. This piece of equipment is designed to protect your smile and keep you from sustaining serious dental problems as a result of an accidental impact to the face. The mouth-formed and custom-made mouthguards can be used in many contact sports, but it is important to determine which one provides better protection for you. Apart from protecting your face, mouthguards give players the opportunity to have fun without worrying about broken teeth or jaw injuries.

What is Oral Cancer Screening?

Oral cancer screening also called a “mouth screening”, is a procedure by which the oral cavity is inspected by an experienced doctor to detect possible cancers and other abnormalities on the lining of the mouth and throat. The oral cavity is the area inside the mouth, including the lips and cheeks.

The Procedure of Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screening is typically conducted as a “one-visit” event. The mouth cavity is inspected with an endoscope, a thin, lighted tube that has a camera at one end. The doctor will look for changes in the color of the lining of the lips and cheeks.

The doctor will also look for any sores that won’t heal, white or red patches on the lining of the mouth or throat, or any lumps inside your mouth and throat.

What to Expect During Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screening is a very quick procedure. The doctor will inspect the inside of your mouth with an endoscope, and the entire procedure probably won’t take more than a few minutes.

The doctor may ask you to rinse with a special mouthwash before the screening so that any bacteria in your mouth are reduced as much as possible.

Benefits of Oral Cancer Screening

i. Help you detect cancer as early as possible

By having a screening procedure, you can detect any abnormal changes in the mouth lining, which could be early symptoms of oral cancer. Prompt treatment can prevent the spread of oral cancer, and can lengthen your life. When cancer is detected early, it’s less likely to spread to other areas of the body (metastasis).

ii. Helps protect your health in the future

Many oral cancers are hard to detect when you first notice them. Early detection can help avoid later complications. By detecting oral cancer early, you can be more confident that it won’t recur and spread (metastasize) beyond the area you originally had it.

iii. Help detect other kinds of cancer

In some cases, oral cancer may be the first symptom of other cancers, such as lung or stomach cancer. Studies have shown that most people who have suffered oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancer actually had other kinds of cancer at the same time. These cancers were not detected if they were examined alone.

Who is it For?

Oral cancer screening is recommended for anyone who is 10 years and older. More than 13,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year, which causes over 4,100 deaths. Younger people have a higher chance of developing oral cancer than older people do. Because more men are diagnosed with oral cancers than women, men between the ages of 50 and 69 should have an annual screening. Women over the age of 65 should receive regular screenings at least every two years.

Oral cancer screening is an important way for you to keep your mouth healthy. It can help detect cancers that may develop in the mouth, including cancer of the mouth and throat (oropharynx), and cancer of the tonsils. By receiving a screening, you can help reduce the chance that you’ll develop cancer. As part of your oral cancer screening, ask your doctor if you need to have a dental cleaning at the same time. You may want to consider scheduling your oral cancer screenings and checkups around your dentist’s office visits so that you can go to both places on the same day.



Benefit of Nightguards

Nightguards are small caps that you place over your teeth at bedtime to protect them from nighttime damage. They have a thicker, denser material than other types of dentures and are perfect for people who have trouble eating or sleeping with their teeth in. They are also good for protecting most primary teeth from nighttime wear and tear because you’ll still be able to enjoy a full night’s sleep.

How Nightguards Functions

Nightguards are held in place by suction. They’re made from a specially designed, non-porous material that’s strong and durable. They cannot be removed like other types of dentures can.

They come in a variety of styles and colors and are usually custom-made to your needs.

When someone wears a nightguard, it applies pressure to the top part of the jawbone. This can have an effect on density or the speed at which your bones remodel (change).

Most nightguards are made of acrylic resin, which is a strong plastic material created from raw materials.

Benefits of Nightguards

Nightguards protect teeth from the damage that can be caused by clenching and grinding your teeth at night. They are often used to prevent the wearing away of teeth, and they wear down slower than natural teeth. This means that you will have to change them less often and you’ll be able to save money in the long run.

You can also use them to protect your upper and lower teeth from making contact with each other. This can help stop the development of premature tooth wear and fractures. The teeth will be more comfortable to eat with because there is less friction on them.

Nightguards also help to prevent tooth and gum problems by reducing jawbone grinding. This reduces the damage that can be done by these issues, as well as other oral conditions that are associated with presenting teeth.

They are beneficial to those who are nervous about wearing dentures at night or those who simply have a bad time sleeping with dentures in their mouth. The nightguard will stay in place during the night, as well as during daytime naps and meals, without causing discomfort.

They are also good for those who have sleep apnea or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) because they will not be able to cause gulping and choking on their own.

Many people reach the age where they are more interested in how their teeth look rather than how they function. With nightguards, you can have a beautiful gnasher while still protecting them at the same time! That’s the best of both worlds.

Who is it For?

Nightguards are good for individuals who have bad teeth that don’t fit well or who can’t put dentures in or remove them. They are also beneficial to those who have a compromised gag reflex and may not be able to eat with their teeth in their normal position.

Nightguards are useful for individuals of all ages, but they are especially helpful for younger kids starting out in life. They also work to help children with orthodontic treatments.

Nightguards are available for a variety of different uses, and most people choose them because they can’t use dentures at night or aren’t comfortable with the appearance of their teeth.


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